Tablecloths are widely considered a formal look however, I find more and more people are looking into what styles are modern vs traditional. Vintage stores may have some of the antique styles cleared off shelves after inheritance is final. Some choose to keep while others donate or sell. Most of those are plain linen or hearty cotton etc. In staying modern we find that ease of care is what keeps the tablecloth in fashion for most home decor ideas. We say that if you choose at least 1 coated cotton tablecloth life will be much easier. Coated Cotton is that Cotton with an acrylic coated surface. This means wipe clear and no laundry. Spot and spill pick ups are easily done because the splatter will not permiate the fabric. Just stays on top until cleared away. So easy and lovely to know that your investment is safe with a coated fabric. Some even opt out of natural fibers to be modern with them. A fallacy in these Coated Cotton Tablecloths is that they are oil cloth (like in the olden days). The fabric then was not fabric but a oil based idea to secure those spills off the Table. After awhile they stuck to the table and even left a footprint on the table if never removed for years. Not sure if those styles are still available in stores or even online. It seems like an oil cloth is not sure a desirable look in the modern times. Most people think of them as a negative experience for dining in the kitchen to dining room. Even outdoors our settings have changed to be more elegant and less in formal. Gardens with landscaped yards are most prevelant mostly to increase value of the home. I agree that showing the best foot forwards while entertaining can really make the experience lovely. Coated Cotton Tablecloths start out as Cotton Tablecloths and then become coated as they are sent over to be sealed on the surface only. So in essence this is a Cotton Tablecloth woven then sent to another facility to be Coated in acrylic to seal in the fabric from spills. Just a really nice modern heirloom Tablecloth that will look great from year to year and save the laundry time to zero. Coated Cotton Surface: This makes the spills just bead up and not stain the Tablecloth. Coated Cotton Tablecloths can be in very formal to outdoors styles so you can purchase one for each occasion to be prepared in a flash. Many different shades of colors to consider as well as just all Cotton Tablecloths in the same fashion. This adds to keep indoors dining in line with the outdoors if that is a look to keep going in your home decor. Provence! Bastide! These regions of France have the most sensational colors to bring to the Table. Here is Bastide a best choice for all the colors of the fields and sky. If you really prefer a colorful display with whimsey and design imagininary. Here are some fabulous choices. French yes, they do produce the finest of the fabrics that are quality plus. These colorful patterns start with the generous words of : Mille Bonheur.