When I think of French Tea Towels my mind wanders over to the practical and durable jacquard woven gems of years gone by Cotton Towels. There is a better way to view the French via their Textiles and markets for Christmas and Holidays. The French Tea Towels from Beauville leave a true dent in my heart of hearts when considering who in the world thought of these fun cotton and linen towels to give my best gift receivers. I mean who can think of Teddy Bears on skis in France? Or, Who can think of Enchanted Forests with tons of snow and ice? There is a wonder spot that does all this creation and more. We just simply need to order the gems and add them easily to our gift list as best choice of any year. Here are some cool pics of them. Or, The Enchanted Forest animals and snow/cold You will search and save the path for these Tea Towels to make it to the Friends of your best gift list. Don't hesitate to order year round to save them in house as it does go out of stock now and then. I say stock up on the gifts for the closet to have them on hand and ready to gift. There is so much to seek and find. The French Tea Towels are the Finest gift available for the money. Here are some other cute super cute ideas: